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The key is that >50% of your citizens are at least partially on the dole. This is the critical step in the intended socialist circularity of fiat money—the government spends vapor money, extracts it back partially from private wealth confiscation (taxes), then expands it (“leverage”) with further spending of vapor money. An ascending spiral of perceived well-being amongst the ever more compliant populace, and an unseen whirlpool of expanding debt. The devaluation of the currency will squelch international trade, so that eventually none will occur, with the economy becoming an insular circle jerk of nationalized business and nationalized employee citizens/welfareens. The “crash” will be avoided by a Jubilee extinguishing all debts which at that point will only be governmental. And then the merry go round will start again. Disaffected dinosaurs will leave the country and be replaced by immigrants legal and illegal.

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