James J. Hill built his Great Northern Railroad across the northern tier of the US without land grants or government subsidies of any kind.

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Hill was a successful entrepreneur in other businesses before having accumulated enough private capital to take on the railway-building business - a sterling example of how the private sector works when unencumbered by complex bureaucracy. But if government-held resources are made available to private entrepreneurs, as happened with other railways, taxing the incremental value they create to pay for the new infrastructure will benefit the whole community whose presence generated that "economic rent" in the first place and is the natural funding mechanism - I believe Ricardo referred to it as the economic rent.

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During Covid the Ireland had a full lockdown with nearly total public cooperation. The Irish economy grew by over 6.4% over the two year period. The UK economy dropped by nearly 9.4%. The worst performing in the G7 nations. Covid was not the reason here but maybe Brexit.

If Joyce were alive I certainly know on which side he would favour. His comment "If Ireland is to become a new Ireland she must first become European", something the UK seems to have turned its back on.

Other than well written and full of ideas,


Pearse-Dublin, Ireland

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Thanks Pearse - interesting point!

Perhaps Joyce's comment was Ireland-specific. As you know, I prefer not to be a member of that den of thieves. But, even now, Ireland has achieved so much despite (because of?) its membership that there may be advantages for Ireland. But watch out - they are seriously threatening your unique stand on corporate tax rates!

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Regarding Ireland’s economic success during COVID, most other economies with lockdowns also did poorly, so Brexit may not be the only reason for UK decline. The more fascinating issue is the sources and methods of Ireland’s success. Can you elaborate?

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As I noted separately, the first part of the essay re: Joyce would be excellent in The Epoch Times. In the second and third parts you refer to the methods most clearly described by Goebbels in how to advance the Nazi cult and Final Solution; these same methodologies are well described and explained in Desmet's book "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" with which of course you may be already be familiar, previously discussed in Hannah Arendt's work and promulgated in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" training manual. Hopefully more thoughtful people will see your precise condensation of these nefarious methods now used by our respective governments and media.

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Emile Woolf

32 min ago


I'm grateful for those ideas, Nik. Are you able to facilitate inclusion of my writings in Epoch Times? To my shame, I haven't encountered it.

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I'm grateful for those ideas, Nik. Are you able to facilitate inclusion of my writings in Epoch Times? To my shame, I haven't encountered it.

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Will send you links when back at house on the road now in Virginia

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